First, I should say I don't really like the word "in-laws". When I say this to people, everyone always rolls their eyes. My in-laws aren't like that, I love them very much. I really consider them a second set of parents, and even more that that, dear friends. I was very delighted when they came to visit in early January for a late Christmas with Laura and I. I was also very delighted that they wanted to learn about curling.

They asked if they could come to the curling club and see what it looked like. They don't have any clubs in Ohio, and they hadn't really seen any on TV before. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take them down on the ice to throw a couple of stones. I got grippers for their shoes, and assured them they wouldn't fall. They were impressed by the grippers ability to hug the ice (I don't know why they don't sell these to the general public!). We did stick realeases, so they could get the feel for the throwing the stones without having to get down in the hack. I even got Laura out for the first time. We didn't have a lot of time, so it was just long enough for a tease. I was sure glad they came, and got to share another of my intersts with them.
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