The smells, the warmth, the comfort, its Christmas at home. Its like the smell of fresh baked cookies, somehow its comforting at a deep level. I feel at "home" in two places now, at my parents house in Pierrepont, NY, and at my inlaws house, in Shreve, OH. This Christmas was in Pierrepont, and it was very relaxing. How is it different from being at my own home in Rochester? Well, I don't look around and think of things to do, I just spend time with my loved ones. I don't have to think about the leaky faucet, or the garbage can. Its just soothing. It not really recharging the batteries, as it is letting the batteries run dry, just let the energy sap out of me. Just wish there were more snow this year...ha!
Those Christmas cookie pictures look good enough to eat. Next year, we'll have to make more!!!
Great photo. Those cookies didn't even last two days. We will have to make more next year.
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