Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lyla Update: September

September has gone by in a flash, and Lyla is quickly growing. She has lots and lots of smiles for us now.
She even has begun to giggle.
Here she is with her friends Clare and Sophia Cellura
Daddy just can't stop taking hooded towel pictures. Too Cute!!
Sometimes she sleeps with her hands over her head.
Fall days mean cooler stroller rides. Daddy preps her for winter with a "took".
Lots of stuff goes to the mouth now. She likes to "taste" lots of toys, so mommy has broken out the teethers.
How do you get to Sesame Street. Just ask Lyla and her friend Big Bird.

Slippery Jacks

Every family has it's recipes. It has those foods that you just don't get at other people's houses. When new members enter the family, they simply must try this recipe to really become part of the family. In the Ballou family, that food is Slippery Jacks. These pickles are what some might call "tongue pickles." They look awful, but taste great! Instead of the ubiquitous dill, these are flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove.
I have never made the family's Slippery Jacks before, so when I planted a garden this year, I made sure I planted cucumbers. I let them ripen as long as I dared, and they didn't turn out too big, but I thought I would try anyway. Mom and Dad say that if you let them ripen to yellow, you don't have to boil them as long. I was afraid mine would get eaten, so I picked them a bit green. The look more like eggs after you peel and de-seed them.
After I soaked them in water and salt overnight, I was ready to add the vinegar, sugar, water, and spices and cook them up!
I did already say they look weird didn't I?
They may have needed to cook awhile longer, but I didn't want to end up with mush, so I tried to stop the cooking after they were mostly translucent.
Did I mention I only got enough cukes for one jar! Did I also mention I have never canned anything before in my life?
The end result! Well, I hope to crack them open this holiday season and see how I did. Hopefully I can grow more cucumbers next year and try to get a bigger batch. I'll let you know how they turned out.