Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Montezuma Muckrace 2007

On September 7th and 8th I will again be participating in the Montezuma Muckrace. If you remember from last year, this is a 24 hour birding marathon against other teams competing to see the most bird species in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex in Western New York. Our team, the Mottled Mucks, consists of myself (NY), Dick (OH), Dom (PA), Chris (PA), and Amy (PA). Last year we saw 72 species, which was fine for our rookie year, but we are determined to up that number this year (and try to manage to beat the team of "girl scouts"). Last year we raised well over $500 to help Ceulean Warbler habitat.

This is the part where you can help us. The Montezuma Wetlands just opened a new Audobon Center dedicated to educating people about wetlands and birds. We are again asking for donations and pledges to raise money to support the center. All you need to do is email me how much you would like to pledge, and I will contact you later about payment. You can sponsor us a flat donation, or you can pledge us an amount based on the number of bird species we see (i.e. $0.50 per bird). Please let me know also if you would like a receipt for tax purposes.

Thanks again, and wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So I have finally released the first episode of the Letterpod podcast, a podcast for letterboxers. I have picked up the reigns and taken it for a ride, and its been a lot of fun. Hope to hone my podcasting skills some more on a fun one like this.

I'm still working on my storytelling podcast as well, "Tell Me Again", and will be getting a new story out real soon.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New Letterbox

It's been awhile since I actually planted an honest to goodness letterbox. I have done a ton of postals and event boxes, but actually going out and hiding one in the woods...its been awhile.

My newest is a series, and it took awhile. It began with a simple box in Ohio. It got washed away by a flood. I planted a new box in a new spot. I hadn't even posted clues, and that one got muggled. So then I planted two new ones, in new spots. This time when I returned they were still there, and I planted two more. So I now have a series of four in Ohio, called A Drive Through the Marsh.

Special thanks to Dick for helping me with the new plants!

I hope you enjoy.