Sunday, November 11, 2007

More progress

You can click on this for a slightly larger pic.

It now has road markers, town names, water body names, and that big text you can actually see in the photo.

Still need some finishing touches, but at least it looks like a map now.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mottled Mucks: Bling Bling!

Hooozaaaahhh! to the Mottled Mucks!

Check out the news!

The team that raised the most money this year was the Plucky Mucksters who raised $1,302!!!! This is a remarkable amount of money for a single team to fundraise. It is the second year in a row that the Plucky Mucksters have come in first place for most money raised by a single team. The Plucky Mucksters team members include Bob McGuire, Deirdre Anderson, Susan Danskin, and Gary Kohlenberg. The second place team, the Capitol Cuckoos with members Jane Graves, Alison Van Keuren, John Hershey, and Larry Rowland, brought in $905. And, the third place team was the Mottled Mucks with members John Ballou, Amy Dreibelbis, Chris Langman, Dick Beery and Dom DeFazio, who raised $738. Ten teams raised over $250 and four teams raised over $500!!! We also received a number of cash donations from local businesses including Terry Precision Cycling, Wild Birds Unlimited of Johnson City & Ithaca, Nucor Steel, NYSOA, Bass Pro, and Avinet.

The total raised by all the teams was $10,411.10, breaking the goal of 10K. Way to go teammates, and way to go to all our idividual sponsors! We couldn't have done it without you. Special props to Dick and Sandy Beery, and to our coporate sponsor Micron Industries!