As my brother would say, “We have the best dad in the whole wide world,” and then my dad would correct him and say, “You mean, the whole wide universe.” Whether it is the world or the universe, the bottom line is that my dad means everything to me. I could not have asked for a father that is more understanding and generous. He thinks my crazy ideas are fun and is always willing to take on the next adventure that we propose. I sometimes get funny looks when I say that I am willing and excited to go on vacations with my parents, but it is the truth. I am truly thankful for the friendship that he has formed with my husband as it makes me proud that the two most important men in my life get along so well. My dad’s passions for photography, music, reading, and traveling have definitely rubbed off on me and I now share these passions with him. I have always said that I am “Daddy’s Little Girl.” And even though I have done some growing up, I will always be my Daddy’s Little Girl.
So when you read this, please help me wish my Dad a happy 60th birthday!
(John also approves of Dick.)
Happiest 60th birthday to you, Dick Beery!
I can testify that Dick's sense of humor and sense of adventure are unparalleled. He's always got a good story to tell or is very willing to laugh at yours (or you). I believe it was Dick who invented the phrase "monkey face" as a term of endearment.
This is man who thinks canoeing by himself in the Everglades is fun. He has more hobbies in one pinky finger than most of the rest of us have in our whole bodies!
This is the man who helped Laura and I transform ourselves into a boom-box for halloween in third grade (don't ask...on second thought, go ahead and ask). I still remember him hovering over the refrigerator box with spray paint, pie pans and an exacto knife. He's just that handy and creative!
Wishing a very happy birthday to a force of nature and a wonderful man! Much love, Katie Romich.
Happy 60th Dick,
You know the whole ballou crew loves the entire Beery clan and I thank you for letting us "borrow" your lovely daughter every now and then.
Enjoy this special day...because remember it only comes once in a lifetime
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