Posted by Laura
My mom is turning 60 this week! While she might not like that I just told the world this, I do not think she has any reason to worry. At least from my perspective, she has been the best mom I could ever wish for and her turning 60 won’t change that!
I am sure that I have caused her many grey hairs over the years, but my memory is filled with wonderful times – from making peanut butter popcorn on the camp stove when the power went out, to spending my Christmas holidays at Disney World in the campground, to throwing me a surprise sweet sixteen party, to helping me decide which college to attend, to being there when John proposed to me at Cape Point, to helping me celebrate my 30th birthday on vacation in Maine. And the list could keep going, but the bottom line is that my mom is one of my favorite people to be around. She is a true friend and I want to wish her the very best on this very special birthday!
Happy Birthday Sandy!!!!! Enjoy the day.
Hi Sandy--Happy, Happy Birthday from the Blowers Family. We look forward to seeing you on an upcoming visit to Rochester.
Enjoy your special day!
Julie, Rick, Lauren & Sarah
Happy birthday!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Love, Gary, Lisa and Culver
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