This is one of the most unique traditions we celebrate with the Yarnell side of the family. It's the annual Thanksgiving Lobster Dinner, typically done a day or two after Thanksgiving proper. Most recently it has been done at Sharon, John, and Julia's house. Scott does the lobster honors, and he does an amazing job each and every year. Large or small, Scott has gotten the lobster boil down to a science.

Sharon is famous for her soup, whether it's hot or cold. Everyone else fills in the holes with deserts and appetizers and sides. The laughs are frequent as members are sprayed with lobster juice, or friendly teasing about one another. This year everyone had a lot of fun with "Hot Sex" after the meal (that would be the vodka cordial that Sharon kindly shared). We ate coffee ice cream cake, pumpkin cake, and sugar cookies for dessert.

Julia kept us entertained with a cornstarch and water concoction that we were told demonstarted anti-Newtonian physics. If you slapped it hard, your finger wouldn't go in. If you slowly pushed your finger in, it would sink and get covered with goo. We were impressed. Sharon and John have been celbrating lobster tradition for 25 years, and I hope we continue it for another 25!
Sounds like quite the good time!
Your description is so accurate I am wondering what kind of evenings they do represent!
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