My team, the Mottled Mucks, will once again be participating in the Montezuma Muckrace to support the Montezuma Wetlands Complex. We are losing our best birders, Chris and Amy, but for good reason. They are getting married the weekend before, and will be birding on their honeymoon in Panama! Congrats to them! Dick, Dom, and I will try to carry on without them as best we can.
To update those who are new, the Muckrace is a 24 hour birding event. We start on Friday, September 12th at 8 p.m., and bird until we drop at 8 p.m. on Saturday, September 13th. We count the number of species we see, and there are prizes for the top teams. We are NOT usually one of the top teams. However, we have a blast, and see lots of great birds and wildlife.
What we have done well is raise money. Last year, we came in third place for the amount of money raised by a team! Thanks to all that donated last year, and I hope you will consider making a contribution again. I can provide you with a receipt for tax purposes if you request it. Our goal is $1,000. Monies raised go toward conservation projects in the Montezuma Wetlands that directly effects the conservation of this key migratory bird area. Montezuma has been designated by the Audubon Society as a Global and Continental Important Bird Area.
You can make a pledge in several ways. You can mail me a personal check made out to "Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex." You can give me cash. Or, you can pay by paypal or credit card by clicking on the Donate button here:
Thank you for helping out!