Not much better then a long Thanksgiving weekend with family and friends. Laura and I traveled to Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with the Beery's. We started with a birthday dinner with Grandma Beery, and helped her celebrate her 80th birthday with a helping of Dick's Chili, that Laura made. Char and Rob arrived as well, from their ten hour drive (read snow) from Philly. Turkey day was family filled with a great meal and a lackluster pumpkin pie I spent way too long on for it to taste that bad. Our traditional thanksgiving movie was Chicken Little, though it was probably more funny to try to remember what all the old thanksgiving movies were, and who was present to see them. Katie and Erika stopped by for a fireside chat, and some beverages dusted off from the basement. Black Friday was spent shopping in downtown Wooster. If these merchants rely on this date for sales, downtown Wooster is in bad shape. If you want to shop with no one around, this is the place to be. But the quality of the stores is great, don't know why this is happening. Do we love Walmart this much? Anyway, the evening was spent at Brian's condo playing Scene It. This was a blast, and Char showed up the crowd with her movie habits. Brian was cursed with the bad roll of the dice. Saturday was spent cutting sticks for rustic projects and circling the globe with Dick on Google Earth. No, you can't see the Great Wall of China from space. Then it was the lobster dinner with the Yarnells. I ate way too much lobster. I'm eating leftover Thai soup now too, Sharon found another great soup recipe! Sunday was spent hiding a letterbox in the Killbuck Marsh (look for this soon to be posted), looking for letterboxes in Medina, and having lunch with Ted, Carrie, and Megan. What a great weekend. Wish all my weekends could be like this...