Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Last week I went birding after reading reports of woodcock and a whip-poor-will in a field nearby. I haven't heard whip-poor-wills since I was a kid when I would hear them almost every night in the summer. I haven't had the chance since I started birding seriously to add them to my life list (same for the Woodcock). So I was rewarded last week (May 8...my sister's Birthday) when I went and heard the lone Whip-pool-will. Oh, it was fantastic to hear one, knowing the population has been on the decline in NY. I also heard and saw the woodcocks. Later, another birder posted seeing and hearing the same thing I had heard. He made a recording of this, so I was please to know that this is the very same Whip-pool-will (and you can hear the Woodcocks "beeent" in the background) that I heard on May 8th.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The New Blues Brothers

Well, you could probably write this story yourself:

You go to a birthday party. You have a nice dinner. You have a few drinks. In walks the Karaoke guy for the party. People started singing. Some are great. Some are not. Some are cool. Some are creepy. You think, I can do better then some of these people, or at least look equally foolish. So you sign up for a song. You think, "this song is easy, and short, and I've had enough to drink now." So you go up and sing. Then someone makes a video of it. And they send it to you. What are you to do? Put it on the blog of course!